You are free to download and save these images for personal use - ie. to use as wallpaper on your PC or for school projects.
Non-Commercial Use
Generally, free use of photographs will be granted for personal, educational or non-commercial activities, provided this Jnr Photography website is acknowledged.
If you wish to use photographs from this site on your non-commercial web page(s), please provide your URL when making the request. All photographs must be credited with a link to Jnr Photography on all pages that the images appear.
If you wish to use photographs, graphics and documents from this web site in your school projects or assignments, Jnr Photography [] website must be acknowledged as the source. You do not need to ask permission for this use only.
Commercial Use
Negotiable fees are payable for use of my Jnr photographs in commercial or promotional activities.
Photographs used should be credited and a copy of any material in which the photograph(s) appear should be sent to me upon completion.
High resolution scans or digital copies of the photograph(s) you wish to license will be provided for the fee negotiated. If requested, a license agreement will be issued (or your licence agreement signed) upon receipt of payment.
Payments can be made via secure online payments with PayPal or DeviantART.